Embark on a delectable journey with our delicious chocolate delights, ideal for those special moments! Brimming...
Spread the love with our delightful chocolate hamper! Packed with yummy freeze-dried strawberries and all...
Indulge in luxury with the Ultimate Indulgence Chocolate Hamper! It's packed with all of the...
Give the gift of love with this luxurious chocolate hamper! This hamper has all of...
Gift Box includes: 45g Milk Mallow Pop, 150g White Rocky Road, 100g Milk Choc Message Block,...
We love being in love....with Chocolate! Our 'Love' Belgian milk chocolate word will make the...
A delicious Belgian chocolate heart, bursting with lollies! Product: 18cm diameter, weight 260g. Box: 21x21cm...
For the perfect chocolate gift to show someone you love them. Our giant Heart Freckles...
Our giant chocolate pizzas are lovingly handmade - perfect for telling someone that they're, like, really...
Show your appreciation with the ultimate chocolate gift! Our Giant Freckle is lovingly handcrafted with delicious Belgian chocolate —...
Special occasions are all wrapped up with these chocolate shapes. Perfect little add ons that...
Send a heartfelt message with these wrapped chocolate blocks and be sure that you are...
Send a heartfelt message with these wrapped chocolate blocks and be sure that you are...
Get ready to pop with joy! Our Chocolate Freckle Pops are the ultimate thank-you gift,...
Get ready to pop with joy! Our Chocolate M&M Pops are the ultimate gift, featuring the...
Special occasions are all wrapped up with these chocolate shapes. Perfect little add ons that...
Give your dad a sweet surprise with our Freckle Word Dad! Lovingly handcrafted with Belgian chocolate, this...
Get your mum the sweetest gift - a delicious Freckle Word Mum! Crafted with smooth Belgian...
How sweet it is to tell someone how sweet they are! Approx size: 25cm x...
Get ready to pop with joy! Our Chocolate Freckle Pops are the ultimate Valntine's gift, featuring the...
Get ready to pop with joy! Our Chocolate Freckle Pops are the ultimate thank-you gift,...
Gift Box includes: 'You're Awesome' Milk Chocolate Block, Milk Rocky Road, 200g Choc Honeycomb, Mallow...
Gift Box includes: 100g Milk Message Block, 150g Milk Rocky Road, 40g Freckle Tulip, 60g Mallow...