The perfect sweet treat for any DIY-er! Crafted with delicious Belgian chocolate, this tool kit...
Looks floral but tastes sweet! Perfect little add ons that are must haves at...
Special occasions are all wrapped up with these chocolate shapes. This Paw Print chocolate shape...
The most delicious house you'll ever have! Perfect for gifting, real estate and much more....
Special occasions are all wrapped up with these chocolate shapes. Perfect little add ons that...
Special occasions are all wrapped up with these chocolate shapes. Perfect little add ons that...
Special occasions are all wrapped up with these chocolate shapes. Perfect little add ons that...
Special occasions are all wrapped up with these chocolate shapes. Perfect little add ons that...
Celebrate Australia with one of our Belgian milk chocolate freckle Australia Maps and GO AUSSIE...
A freckle flat chocolate egg all wrapped up. Easy to send to someone and very...
Special occasions are all wrapped up with these chocolate shapes. Perfect little add ons that...
Special occasions are all wrapped up with these chocolate shapes. Perfect little add ons that...
A flat chocolate egg all wrapped up. Easy to send to someone and very easy...